Clever advertising design uses story and simplicity effectively.
My checklist for advertising resolves around stories, we’re hard wired for them, sprinkle some emotion in and it becomes relational and builds ties. Only concrete language can work, abstract ideas and don’t build pictures, pictures do. Sometimes it’s necessary to include a ‘credible’ feature, Michael Jordan selling basket balls or a scientist assuring us about a new system. My favourite is to astound, and this is often with the use of a surprise, this could be a twist in the tale or a major curveball, this aids memory - watch comedians and films that do it really well. And lastly and most importantly, keep it simple.
Role: Copy and Design
Client: DePaul, homeless prevention
Media: Billboard
Task: Awareness Campaign
Product/Service: Night Stop
Almost Homeless young adult saved by your spare room
Preventing homelessness, one spare room at a time
Sub header was subsequently adopted throughout all media nationally.
Role: Concept, naming and design
Client: Naked Truth UK
Experiential ad campaign, Manchester
Media: Experiential
Task: Create a conversation of the harmful effects of pornography.
Campaign: Advertise anonymous voting platform highlighting truths about the porn industry.
How Good Is Porn
Designed to appear as a statement and question, to attract both sides of the conversation.
Gained media recognition in Huffington Post
Role: Copy and design
Client: Christian Connection
Media: OOH, LDN Tube/MCR Metro
Service: Online Dating
Task: Awareness / Sign Up
Seek - and ye shall find.
Love is patient, love is kind (but sometimes hard to find).
In the beginning (Adam and Eve didn’t need a dating app).
Role: Concept, copy, design, body copy editing
Client: Adapt, NY
Media: Press Style print ad
Product: Adapt Manifesto
Task: Sign Up
It’s (not) the strongest and most intelligent who survive
Role: Short story copywriting, design
Client: Asylum Seeker awareness night
Media: Poster and table cards
Proposition: Highlight the reasons for asylum
Service: Fundraiser
I’m out on the open road, chasing the African sunset like there’s no tomorrow. Indian Ocean behind me and the wind on my back. The sky is big as I let it all go.
My family murdered, inter militia fighting, famine, with all my belongings in my pocket. I’ll go anywhere that’ll take me. Run. I don’t wanna go but there’re gun shots at my heels.
Role: Advertising Copy / Design
Client: Bible Society
Media: LDN Bus Ads / YouTube, FB, Pinterest ads.
Task: Watch reflective meditation
Product/Service: See Life Differently
Find a light space in a hectic place.
Focus on the light this Christmas.
Role: Concept and Branding Design
Client: Chiaya Art Awards UK
Media: Magazine & OOH ads
Task: Promote the UK’s Biggest Art Prize
Product: Art Prize, OXO Gallery, Southbank, LDN
Role: Copy and Design
Client: Colin Street Charity, LDN
Media: Digital Advertising
Location: Southbank, LDN
Stay Safe and get Creative Folks
Role: Consultation, design, media sourcing
Client: Stand Up Sisters
Media: OOH
Task: Anti-violence campaign
Art group anti-violence campaign
Role: Concept, Copy writing and design
Client: Best of Manchester Awards / Urbis Gallery
Media: OOH / Street Advertising
Task: Expose faux wisdom / Steal and audience
Product: Imitation Award Ceremony Posters
I am flawed, I’m beautiful, I’m terrible, I’m loved
It isn’t giving unless it hurts
Won entry into award ceremony at Urbis Gallery
Published in 10,000 copies of local press M.E.N.
Media: OOH
Task: To bring Stand Up Sisters community arts projects to the street.
This one is titled Quirky Quilts, made by the good people at St Georges Day Centre in Bolton.
Made with recycled paper to create a patchwork pattern.
Below are a series of Ads created for School of Thought, an intensive 12 week industry advertising initiative covering Print, Radio, PR, Experiential, and TV advertising set by some of the biggest agencies including CheethamBellJWT, LOVE, Magnifi, SLG and McCaan.
Role for all below include Concept and Copy scamps
Proposition: Cleans areas others can’t
Client: Samsung
Product: New more powerful dishwasher
Media: Print
Won entry into School of Thought
Proposition: For people who hate the gym
Client: Virgin Active
Product: Gym Membership
Media: Outdoor
Agency: Julian Gratton
Proposition: The car that is both Safe ‘and’ Cool
Client: Volvo
Product: V40 Worlds safest car
Media: Outdoor
Agency: SLG
Proposition: Helps you run further
Client: Asics
Product: Gel-Nimbus Running shoe
Media: Print
Agency: McCAAN
Proposition: You are being watched
Client: Charity
Issue: Privacy bill awareness campaign
Media: Experiential
Agency SLG
Adopted by Agency
Proposition: Nobody should sleep rough
Client: Shelter
Issue: Rough Sleeping
Media: PR
Agency: SLG
Proposition: Control home if there or not
Client: HIVE Smart Homes
Product: Home automation products
Media: TV Script - Opposites Attract
Writer: Micah Purnell
Agency: Magnafi
Proposition: Get to work (or home) faster
Client: Network Rail
Product: New Faster electric trains
Media: Radio
Voice: Doug Walker
Script: Micah Purnell
Agency: Ex Ogilvy / D&AD Representative